Thursday, 29 March 2012

CDC: 1 in 88 Kids Has Autism; Docs Debate Cause

One in 88 children is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, or ASD, by age 8, according to a investigate expelled currently by a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention a rate that has risen distant above a 2006 guess of 1 in 110.

But experts sojourn sealed in discuss about either these numbers tell a whole story.

The CDC report, that analyzed information from 2008, indicates a 23 percent arise in diagnoses of ASDs over a two-year period.

The news could be many shocking for boys. The investigate reports that on normal 1 in 54 boys was diagnosed with autism, compared to usually 1 in 252 girls.

But what this arise indeed means is still a mystery. Some doctors contacted by ABC News trust a broader clarification of autism has contributed to rising rates.

I consider it has to do with changing evidence criteria, including cave over a years that have done me tag many some-more children as being on a autism spectrum than contend 1...


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