Friday, 30 March 2012

For Better Mouse Studies, Let Them Nest

FRIDAY, Mar 30 (HealthDay News) — Cold conditions might affect
the contentment of laboratory mice and change a outcome of research
studies, a new investigate suggests.

Researchers from a Stanford University School of Medicine found that
nine of 10 drugs tested on mice that were housed in chilly temperatures
failed to work in people. They suggested this might be since being cold
triggers changes in mice’s defence duty and slows their growth.

“If we wish to pattern a drug that will assistance a studious in a hospital,
you can't pretty do that in animals that are cold-stressed and are
compensating with an towering metabolic rate,” investigate author Joseph Garner,
an associate highbrow of analogous medicine, pronounced in a Stanford news
release. “This will change all aspects of their physiology — such as how
fast a liver breaks down a drug — that can’t assistance though boost the
chance that a drug will act...


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