Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Older Travelers during Much Higher Risk of Dying From Malaria

WEDNESDAY, Mar 28 (HealthDay News) — Tourists over age 65 who
visit malaria-infested regions are scarcely 10 times some-more expected to die from
the illness than those ages 18 to 35, a new investigate says.

The research of 20 years of information from some-more than 25,000 U.K. patients
also found that a malaria genocide rate is quite high among people
who’ve trafficked to Gambia, West Africa.

The risk of failing from malaria, an infection carried by mosquitoes,
increased with age, and a death rate for those over age 65 was 4.6
percent. There were no deaths in children younger than age 5, according to
the investigate published online Mar 28 in a British Medical

The researchers also found that tourists were some-more than 9 times more
likely to die from malaria than people of African birthright who trafficked to
see family or friends — 3 percent vs. 0.32 percent.

This decreased genocide risk amo...


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