Friday, 30 March 2012

Polish workers criticism devise to travel retirement age

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Thousands of people from opposite Poland demonstrated noisily Friday outward Parliament to criticism supervision skeleton to lift a retirement age to 67.

The law now allows women to retire during age 60 and group during 65, though Prime Minister Donald Tusk wants to lift a retirement age to 67 for all Poles, observant it will boost pensions while shortening state debt.

The plan, upheld by many economists, has hurt a public. The unions are deeply payable by a new agreement a statute bloc parties reached Thursday that would concede people to go into partial retirement progressing though with lowered monthly payments for a rest of their lives.

Piotr Duda, conduct of a Solidarity trade union, pronounced a devise gives Poles a choice of “either operative until genocide or fast failing of hunger.”

The protesters, floating horns and carrying Solidarit...


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