Thursday, 26 April 2012

Texts primary relatives to get kids a influenza shot: study

<p>NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Research in New York City suggests that promulgation relatives educational content messages about a influenza vaccine and where to get it could boost a array of kids and teenagers stable during flu season.
Researchers following some-more than 9,000 mostly low-income kids found that when relatives got a array of text messages starting early in a 2010-2011 influenza season, their kids were some-more expected to have gotten a flu shot by a finish of that deteriorate than children of relatives who didnt accept a texts.
The researcher who led a investigate pronounced that content messages competence be some-more effective than job a domicile or promulgation a sign minute since texts are sent to a specific chairman and stored in a phone.
You can strech so many families and patients during one time in an automated, fit conform and we tailor it to what a families need, pronounced Dr. Melissa Stockwell, an partner hig...


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