Thursday, 24 May 2012

Cell Transplant Tested as Treatment for Nerve Pain in Mice

<p>WEDNESDAY, May 23 (HealthDay News) — A new investigate in mice
suggests that scientists competence someday be means to provide haughtiness pain by
transplanting rudimentary <span>nerve cells</span> to revive a shop-worn nervous
<p>There are copiousness of caveats. It’s not transparent if a diagnosis will work
in humans, and a cost and probable side effects are unknown. Still,
there’s intensity for researchers to make a disproportion for people with<span>nerve pain</span>. The condition, also famous as <span>neuropathic pain</span>, can make parts
of a physique ultra supportive to hold and can be formidable to treat.</p>
<p>“Nothing that gets absolved of a pain works for a prolonged duration of time,”
said investigate co-author <span>Allan Basbaum</span>, chair of a dialect of anatomy at
the <span>University of California, San Francisco</span>. “The problem is that even if
drugs arra...


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