Friday, 25 May 2012

Discovery of Gene May Lead to New Male Contraceptive

<p>THURSDAY, May 24 (HealthDay News) — The find of a pivotal <span>gene</span>
involved in <span>sperm development</span> could eventually lead to a origination of a
new form of non-hormonal <span>birth control</span> for men, a investigate involving mice
<p>Researchers found that a gene called Katnal1 is vicious to enable
sperm to mature in a testes. Finding a approach to umpire this gene could
prevent spermatazoa from maturing, creation them unqualified of fertilizing
<p>This anticipating also could lead to new treatments for cases of male
infertility in that a Katnal1 gene malfunctions and hampers sperm
development, according to a study, from researchers during a University of
Edinburgh in Scotland.</p>
<p>The researchers found that masculine mice mutated to miss a Katnal1 gene
were infertile. Further review suggested that a gene was essential
for spermatazoa growth and maturation.&...


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