Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Fever During Pregnancy May Raise Odds for Autism in Offspring

<p>TUESDAY, May 29 (HealthDay News) Women who rise fevers
while profound might be some-more than twice as expected to have a child with
autism spectrum disorder or another developmental delay, a new study
Exactly how, or even if, fevers might boost a risk for autism is
unknown, and experts were discerning to contend women should not panic if they do
develop a heat while profound since holding fever-reducing medications
cuts a risk.
One in 88 children in a United States has an autism spectrum
disorder, according to a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. This is an powerful tenure for developmental disorders that can
range from amiable to serious and that mostly impact amicable and communication
skills. Little is famous about what causes autism or precisely because rates
seem to be increasing.
Researchers from a University of California, Davis asked a moms of
about 1,100 kids with and but autism spectrum commotion or other
developmental delays either they had...


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