Saturday, 26 May 2012

Fitness May Boost Survival for Women With Breast Cancer

<p>FRIDAY, May 25 (HealthDay News) — Women with modernized breast
cancer who have aloft levels of aptness during diagnosis tend to live
longer than women with reduce levels of aptness during treatment, new
research finds.</p>
<p>Treatments for <span>breast cancer</span> can break women’s heart and lung
function, according to a investigate by researchers during Duke University Medical
Center, and a impairments can dawdle for years after diagnosis has
<p>Among those with modernized breast cancer, women whose <span>fitness level</span> was
high during diagnosis were some-more expected to survive. Median presence was 36
months among women with high levels of fitness, compared to 16 months
among low-fitness patients.</p>
<p>What researchers don’t know, however, is if assisting women to improve
fitness while undergoing <span>breast cancer treatment</span> will boost their
survival. They usually found an ...


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