Thursday, 24 May 2012

Patients May Receive Too Much Acetaminophen in Hospital

<p>WEDNESDAY, May 23 (<span>HealthDay News</span>) — Roughly 2.5 percent of
admitted <span>hospital patients</span> might accept some-more than a protected daily cumulative
dose of a pain-reliever <span>acetaminophen</span>, best famous as Tylenol, on at
least one day, according to a new U.S. study.</p>
<p>Patients on some-more than one drug containing acetaminophen mostly consume
more than a endorsed 4 grams per day of a drug, a researchers
from <span>Thomas Jefferson University Hospital</span> in Philadelphia found. </p>
<p>Together, dual tablets of extra-strength Tylenol enclose 1 gram of
acetaminophen, ordinarily used to soothe pain and revoke fever.</p>
<p>Over a march of dual years, researchers led by Dr. Jesse Civan
examined 46,000 <span>hospital admissions</span> and a drugs those patients
were given. They found that on during slightest one day of hospitalization,
roughly 1,100...


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