<p>Main Category: Alzheimers / Dementia
Article Date: 02 May 2012 0:00 PDT</p>
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<p>Patient / Public:
Healthcare Prof:</p>
<p>UC Davis researchers have found novel compounds that interrupt a arrangement of amyloid, a clumps of protein in a smarts of people with Alzheimers illness believed to be critical in causing a diseases evil mental decline. The supposed spin-labeled fluorene compounds are an critical new aim for researchers and physicians focused on diagnosing, treating and investigate a disease.</p>
<p>The study, published in a online biography PLoS ONE, is entitled The change of spin-labeled fluorene compounds on a public and toxicity of a Aβ peptide.</p>
We have found these tiny molecules to have poignant profitable effects on well-bred neurons, from safeguarding opposite poisonous compounds that form in neu...
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