<p>Ever try a Atkins diet? Diets low in carbohydrates and high in proteins might boost a risk of heart disease, according to a new investigate published in a biography BMJ.</p>
A organisation of European researchers led by Pagona Lagiou of a University of Athens Medical School in Greece assessed a diets of some-more than 43,000 Swedish women ages 30 to 49, and followed them for an normal of roughly 16 years. Women who consumed an Atkins-type diet with low carbohydrate and high protein intake were during a 5 percent aloft risk of cardiovascular illness later. By a finish of a finish of a investigate period, 1,270 women grown heart disease.</p>
Consuming as tiny as 20 fewer grams of carbohydrates and 5 some-more grams of protein per day accounted for a increase, a researchers found.</p>
The tangible series of women who grown heart illness was tiny about 4 or 5 additional cases per 10,000 women per year though a authors pronoun...
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