Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Birth Control That Uses Combined Hormones Raises Heart Risk: Study

<p>WEDNESDAY, Jun 13 (HealthDay News) Sweeping new research
comparing several forms of hormonal contraception including birth
control pills, vaginal rings and skin rags suggests that a risk
for heart attacks and strokes is twice as high among users of combined
estrogen-progestin versions.
These embody brands such as Yasmin and Yaz pills, a NuvaRing vaginal
ring and Ortho Evra patches. The altogether contingency of pang such
debilitating effects, however, are still utterly low.
Analyzing 15 years of observational information from some-more than 1.6 million
women aged 15 to 49, Danish scientists found that those holding low-dose
estrogen birth control pills total with several progestins suffered
heart attacks and strokes between 1.5 and 2 times some-more mostly than women
not regulating hormonal contraception. The risks were between 2.5 and 3 times
higher among users of vaginal rings and transdermal rags compared to
The initial indicate to take home is that [clotting]...


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