<p>THURSDAY, Jun 21 (HealthDay News) As few as 5 mutations
are adequate to make a H5N1 avian influenza virus endemic via
airborne droplets between ferrets, according to a new, rarely anticipated
Because a influenza pathogen affects ferrets and humans in a identical way, the
new findings, appearing in a Jun 22 emanate of a journal
Science, competence strew light on how expected it is that an avian or bird
flu pathogen will turn pandemic and widespread fast between humans.
If a new pathogen emerged, humans could radically be defenseless against
The paper is a second of dual whose announcement was criminialized by a U.S.
government, that feared that edition specifics on a method of the
H5N1 bird influenza competence prompt bioterrorists to rise and unleash a
In April, however, a argumentative anathema was carried and a initial paper
was published in a biography Nature.
Bruce Alberts, a editor-in-chief of Science, vocalization during a
press discussion Wedne...
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