Monday, 25 June 2012

Quasars on a diet

<p>Astronomy and biology share one simple and doubtful rule: If a physique is going to stay alive, its got to eat. The Earth cooking each day, yet a diet consists mostly of object a consistent source of appetite that bathes a world and provides many of a simple fuel that drives biological processes. The object cooking constantly too, though what its immoderate is itself regulating chief alloy to modify a vast stockpiles of hydrogen into helium, that keeps a fires lit. When a hydrogen is gone, a object will blink out.
The biggest astronomical gluttons of all, however, are certainly black holes quite a ones that furnish quasars. First detected by radio-telescopes in a 1950s, quasars are fantastically hot, brilliantly splendid beacons of appetite that outcome from a black holes gobbling adult anything that ventures too close.</p>

(LIST: Top 10 Space Moments of 2011)
While all vast galaxies are insincere to have black holes during their center, not all...


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