Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Spanish forced to compensate adult for drugs as cuts bite

<p>MADRID (Reuters) – Patients in <span>Spain</span> will have to compensate a <span>full price</span> for some <span>prescription medicines</span> underneath a new magnitude to cut <span>healthcare costs</span> expected to be authorized after on Wednesday, according to a <span>draft document</span> seen by Reuters.</p>
<p> The new order on payments for 456 drugs will request to medicines for “minor ailments”, including migraines. Patients will have to compensate 100 percent of a cost for codeine, some anti-inflammatories and laxatives, among other drugs.</p>
<p> The Spanish supervision expects to save some-more than 440 million euros ($549 million) with a new magnitude to cut state support. This figure is partial of 7 billion euros of assets already announced in April, a curative attention source said.</p>
<p> Spain, in a midst of a unpleasant re...


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