Monday, 25 June 2012

Swine influenza expected claimed entertain of a million lives: study

<p>The A(H1N1) “<span>swine flu</span>” 2009 <span>pandemic</span> substantially claimed over a entertain of a million lives — 15 times some-more than a 18,500 reported, a paper in <span>The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal</span> pronounced Tuesday.</p>
<p>The towering fee underlined a need for improved formulation and vaccine distribution, pronounced a organisation of epidemiologists and physicians who done a statistical indication formed on race and infection estimates to benefaction what they trust is a some-more accurate design of a pandemic’s reach.</p>
<p>“This investigate is one of a initial to produce a tellurian guess of deaths caused by a 2009 H1N1 virus,” lead author <span>Fatimah Dawood</span> of a US government’s <span>Centers for Disease Control and Prevention</span> told AFP in an email exchange.</p>
<p>“Unlike many other <span>mortality estimates</span> f...


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