Saturday, 23 June 2012

Three expected winners in healthcare: John Wasik

<p>CHICAGO (Reuters) The one thing a Supreme Court will have no impact on as it decides a constitutionality of a Affordable Care Act is a permanent trend in U.S. healthcare: a flourishing cost of caring for an aging population.
A handful of industries will sojourn essential notwithstanding a troublesome politics of medical policy, and a best approach to perspective this flighty conditions by a lens of bonds is in a prolonged term.
The annual expansion rate in medical spending is approaching to sojourn around 4 percent from now until 2014, afterwards ratchet adult to 6 percent, according to new forecasts by a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. In comparison, ubiquitous consumer prices are rising usually underneath 2 percent on an annualized basis.
Other than burgeoning costs, theres demographics. Some 10,000 baby boomers are branch 65 each day a trend that will continue until 2030, when boomers will contain roughly one of each 5...


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