<p>Editors ChoiceAcademic JournalMain Category: Arthritis / Rheumatology
Also Included In: Anxiety / Stress; Depression
Article Date: 30 Apr 2012 12:00 PDT</p>
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<p>Patient / Public:
3.5 (4 votes)
Healthcare Prof:
3.5 (2 votes)
Approximately one third of adults with arthritis in a USA aged 45+ years humour from stress or depression, researchers from a CDC reported in a biography Arthritis Care Research. The authors combined that a superiority of stress in adults with arthritis is roughly twice as high as depression, in annoy of some-more studies focusing on a arthritis-depression link.</p>
<p>27 million patients aged 25+ years have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis, and another 1.3 million with rheumatoid arthritis, according to information US health authorities. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) estimates that approximatel...
Also Included In: Anxiety / Stress; Depression
Article Date: 30 Apr 2012 12:00 PDT</p>
<p> email to a crony printer accessible opinions </p>
<p>! rate article</p>
<p>Patient / Public:
3.5 (4 votes)
Healthcare Prof:
3.5 (2 votes)
Approximately one third of adults with arthritis in a USA aged 45+ years humour from stress or depression, researchers from a CDC reported in a biography Arthritis Care Research. The authors combined that a superiority of stress in adults with arthritis is roughly twice as high as depression, in annoy of some-more studies focusing on a arthritis-depression link.</p>
<p>27 million patients aged 25+ years have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis, and another 1.3 million with rheumatoid arthritis, according to information US health authorities. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) estimates that approximatel...